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You're about to experience an exciting new culture. Get the most out of your TOUCHSTONE TANZANIA adventure by learning a few basic Swahili expressions before your visit. You'll be glad you did!
Important pronunciation tips for being understood:)
Pronounce each vowel as a distinct element: Ha-ba-ri ji-o-ni (Good evening) and remember to accent the pen-ul-ti-mate syllable in each word: Ha-BA-ri ji-O- ni!
Tanzanians value connections - and greetings establish and reinforce these connections.
Hujambo, (Bwana / Mama)? hu-jahm-bo (Any news?)
Sijambo. see-jahm-bo (No news.)
Habari yako? hah-bah-ree yah-ko (How are you?)
Habari gani? hah-bah-ree gah-nee (What's new?)
Habari za asubuhi? hah-bah-ree zah ah-soo-boo-hee (How's your morning?)
Habari za mchana? hah-bah-ree zah m-chah-nah (How's your afternoon?)
Habari za jioni? hah-bah-ree zah jee-o-nee (How's your evening?)
Habari za kutwa? hah-bah-ree zah koo-twah (How was your day?)
Nzuri sana. n-zoor-ee sah-nah (Very good.)
Salama. sah-lah-mah (Fine, peaceful.)
Njema. n-jay-mah (Good.)
Karibu . kah-ree-boo (Welcome.)
Karibuni. kah-ree- boo-nee (Welcome - to more than one.)​
Hamjambo? hahm-jahm-bo (How are you?)
Hatujambo. hah-too-jahm-bo (We are fine.)
Shikamoo? shee-kah-mo (I greet you with respect.)
Marahaba. mah-rah-hah-bah (I acknowledge your respect.)
Kwaheri. kwah-hair-ee (Goodbye.) Kwaheri. Kwaherini. kwah-hai-ree-nee (to a group)
Tuonane kesho. too-o-nah-nay kay-sho (See you tomorrow.)
Inshallah. een-shahl-lah (God willing.)
Uende salama. oo-en-day sah-lah-mah (Go in peace.)
Tuonane inshallah. too-o-nah-nay een-shahl-lah (We will see each, other God willing.)
Asante sana! ah-san-tay sah-nah (Thank you very much!)
Karibu (sana). kah-ree-boo sah-nah (You're VERY welcome.)
Karibuni. kah-ree- boo-nee (Speaking to more than one person)​
Tafadhali. tah-fah-thah-lee (Please.)
Sawa? / Sawa. sah-wah (O.K? O.K.!)
Pole. po-lay (Sorry.)
Samahani. Sah-mah-hah-nee (Excuse me.)
Pole pole. po-lay po-lay (Slowly slowly.)
Ndio. n-dee-yo (Yes.).
Hapana (sana). hah-pah-nah (sah-nah) (No thanks.)
Chakula nzuri sana! chah-koo-lah n-zoo-ree sah-nah (The food is delicious!)
Usiku mwema. oo-see-koo m-way-mah (Goodnight.) Waburaha. wah-boo-rah-hah (With tranquility.)
Lala salama. lah-lah sah-lah-mah (sleep well/peacefully)
Inshallah. een-shahl-lah (God willing.)
Ndoto njema. n-do-to n-jay-mah (Sweet dreams.)
Wewe pia. way-way pee-ah (You, too.)
​Jina lako nani? jee-nah lah-ko nah-nee (What is your name?
Jina langu ni --- jee-nah lahn-goo nee--- (My name is ---.)
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